Unhelpful Thinking Habits
Over the years, we tend to get into unhelpful thinking habits such as those described below. We
might favour some over others, and there might be some that seem far too familiar. Once you can
identify your unhelpful thinking styles, you can start to notice them – they very often occur just
before and during distressing situations. Once you can notice them, then that can help you to
challenge or distance yourself from those thoughts, and see the situation in a different and more
helpful way.

Top Resources

LTC Prehab- Get Fit and Ready project

Behavioural Activation
This video focusses on how to increase our motivation when feeling low using a technique entitled behavioural activation. Avoiding and withdrawing are common symptoms of depression as you may find it difficult to carry out everyday activities.

Challenging Unhelpful Thinking
In this video, we talk to you about a way to improve your mood by challenging unhelpful thinking. Challenging unhelpful thinking is an evidence-based approach to improving low mood or anxiety. It works by identifying negative or unhelpful thoughts and gathering evidence as to the accuracy of the thought. This evidence then helps us to develop a more realistic and helpful thought.